Duet Exhibition 'The Blue Sky, Count of Ten', with Takehiro Iikawa, at TALION GALLERY, 2024.10.19-11.17
Archive of Exhibition 'Work Gala' in 2023.11
Talk Guest for a launch event of Tadashi Tamura's new book The World Emerges Through Our Inquiries, with Tadashi Tamura, at Daikanyama TSUTAYA and on line on 2024.10.8
Archive of 'Solarisation' in 2024.3
Talk on the recent boom in horror contents, with Tokio Omori, in BRUTUS 2024.8.1 issue, published by Magazinehouse in 2024.8, and on web
Short Commentaries on horrot contents 'Open the Door to Other World', in Bungei 2024 Autumn issue, published by Kawade Shobo Shinsha in 2024.7
Presentation 'Installation and Playability: Why is Game Art 'Art'? Thinking with theories of art and play' in 'Tama Art University Art Game Lab.', at Tama Art University, on 2024.6.22
Guest Lecturer for 'Graham Harman and Michael Fried: How Works of Art are Allowed to Exist in This World', as part of 'Exploring the Yet Untapped Potential of 'Modern Painting' (A Review and Future Perspectives)', featuring Toshihiro Furuya, held by Inunosenaka-za and Dr. Holiday Laboratory, at RYOZAN PARK on 2024.4.13
Workshop 'Reading Heideggar, Origin of The Work of Art' with Adam Takahashi, online, from 2024.5 to 8
Received his Ph.D.,
Yamanashi Media Art Award 2023–2024 Finalist Exhibition, at Several Venues in Yamanashi (his is in Kofu venue), in 2024.3.9 – 31
Talk Guest for 'Interest in Yourself: Intersection of Art and Philosophy', hosted by Tadashi Tamura, at Book and Beer on 2024.3.7
Talk Guest for 'Act and Actor', as vol. 2 of 'Lecture Series: Criticism and Art', with Takanao Seki and Sayaha Takahashi, held by Yumiko Chiba Associate and Bunka-cho, at Roppongi Arscuria on 2024.2.10
Critique 'Installation of Spectral Spectacle: Pop and Poor (Under)statement of Spectators' in 'Mitara-Norowareru-Zuroku', a catalog for Tomoyuki Eguchi and Kodera Sota Duet Exhibition 'Stone Tape', published in 2024.1
Guest Lecture on 'Dasai' at Kyoto University on 2023.12.25,
Talk 'Make Hermeticism', as part of 'Doing Air throught Arts', with Futoshi Hoshino at University of Tokyo EAA and online on 2023.12.22
Guest Lecture 'Discourse of Impersonation(Mono-mane)', Nagoya University of Arts & Kyoto University of Arts Collaborative Research Project 'Why Miracle Hikaru?', at Nagoya University of the Arts on 2023.12.19,
Critique 'Painting, or the Uncanny Shibling of Biennale: Grid, Spectacle on Indexicality, and Delegated Curatorship, on 12th Berlin Biennale and documenta 15', an advance release for Pan-no-Pan vol. 04 No. 3, published by Pan-no-Pan in 2023.12
Critique 'An open gate is open and a closed gate is closed: Theatrical Impasse of Kafka and Chidori' in Gendaishiso 2024.1 Special Issue: Kafka, published by Seido-Sha in 2023.12
Gala of Decentralized Autonomous Exhibition 'Work' at PARA Jimbocho in 2023.11.1 – 11.30
CMCG Grand Prix Series, a tournament series featuring my work Card Game, Gala Special Cup at PARA Jimbocho, on 2023.11.19
Decentralized Autonomous Exhibition 'Work' on going since 2023.4
CMCG Grand Prix Series, a tournament series featuring my work Card Game, Autumn Tournament at TALION GALLERY, on 2023.10.9
CMCG Grand Prix Series, a tournament series featuring my work Card Game, Summer Tournament at TALION GALLERY, on 2023.8.19
Critical Report 'He Like Camp and Camp Likes Him' on 'Exhibition Camp! in Kanazawa'
Presentation 'Facing the Time: Beckett's Theatricality and Installation Art' at 'Beckett and Japan' online, on 2023.5.13
Lecture Course 'Reading Readily Michael Fried's 'Art and Objecthood'' at PARA Jimbocho, in 2023.5.26–6.30
CMCG Grand Prix Series, a tournament series featuring my work Card Game, Spring Tournament at TALION GALLERY, on 2023.4.8
Part-time Lecturer at Tama Art University Dept. of Information Design Art & Media Crs. since 2023.4.1
Guest Participant for 'Exhibition Camp! in Kanazawa' at Kanazawa Citizen's Art Center, on 2023.3.19
Lecture 'The World Ends Here: Michael Fried's Sensibility for 'World', online, on 2023.2.25
Guest Reviewing at 'Photography Transforms 3: INTERPLAY on POST/PHOTOGRAPHY' at Kyoto University of the Arts Galerie Aube, on 2023.3.4
Guest Talk at Worstward Ho!, written by Samuel Beckett, directed by Masashi Nukata, starring Masayuki Yano, PARA Jimbocho, on 2023.1.29
A card-game installation work Call me Card Game is available at Cafe & Bar USONO TOBACCO TEN on line and on store, and TALION GALLERY
Solo Exhibition 'Possible' at PARA Jimbocho, in 2022.11.18–10.27
Photo: Sae Yuda
Group Exhibition 'M-THERESIA-D-G-R-IMP-HU-BO-REG-ARCHID-AVST-DUX-BURG-CO-TYR-1780-X' at CADAN Yurakucho, organized by Satoko Oe Contemporary and TALION GALLERY, in 2022.10.11–10.30
Photo: Eri Takayanagi, Uragaeshi, 2020
Selected and Recommended for '3331 Art Fair 2022' at 3331 Arts Chiyoda, in 2022.10.29–10.30
Guest Lecture at Joshibi University of Art and Design on 2022.9.28
Solo Exhibition 'P in case' at Towada Art Center satellite venue 'space', curated by Chieko Nakagawa, in 2022.7.1–9.4
Design: Seigo Kitaoka
Critique 'Ghost and Lots: On Theatricality of Intentionality of Photography and Appearance' in Eureka 2022.9 Issue: J Horror Today, published by Seido-Sha in 2022.8
Lecture 'Contemporary Art Criticism I' at Kyoto City University of Arts in 2022.8.22–24
Critique 'Unnatural Expression 'Cracks' You: Polyphonic play in Discourse, Narration, and Tsukkomi' in Eureka 2022.8 Issue: Contemporary Japanese, published by Seido-Sha in 2022.7
Interview 'B side of Artist vol.03 Euske Oiwa', interviewed by Yutaka Tsukada, in ARToVILLA, divided into the former and latter part
Interview 'Installation is able to take as a motif even (for instance) 'distance' between us with our sensation of it' in ARTnewsJAPAN
Guest for Cross Review #12, organized by Kazunari Yonemitsu, sponsored by Daisuke Kishii, 2022.7.31
Translation and commentary of Rainforest Scully-Blaker's thesis 'The Speedrunning Museum of Accidents' for Bandit vol.1, circulated in 34th Bungaku Furima Tokyo in 2022.5.29
Interview to Sota Kodera in Bijutsu-Techo 2022.7, published in 2022.6
Archive of Exhibition 'Number, Time, Age' in 2022.2
Archive of Artwork 'Executioners Accompanists', 2022
Key Visual and Flyer Design for 'Gaga-Tachi', the premier theater work of Canaries(Kanaria-zu), a new company led by Masayuki Yano, at SCOOL, held on 2022.6.23-26
Talk Event 'Talking Tortue' at Sota Kodera's solo exhibition 'Chokyo City' at Token Art Center, with Sota Kodera, Rioha Nishimura, Shuntaro Yoshino, online, on 2022.3.19
Duet Exhibition and Broadcast Event 'Number, Time, Age' with Kazunari Yonemitsu, curated by Daisuke Kishii at PARA, in 2022.2
Guest Reviewing and Talk at Tama Art Univ. Informarion Design Dept. Media Art Course 3rd Grade Exhibition 'Hyoui suru "Null"' on 2022.1.30
Critique 'Techne and Nature: Applause Interaction in M-1 Grand Prix 2021' in Higeki Kigeki 2022.3, published by Hayakawa Publishing in 2022.2
Critique 'Direction and Instruction : Ryoken and Theatricality of Yanagiya Kosanji X' in Eureka 2021.12 Issue: Yanagiya Kosanji, published by Seido-Sha in 2021.12
Archive of Retrospective Exhibition ‘Catchup’ in 2021
New Installarion Artwork 'Chill' (collaboration with Taichi Sunayama)
in Group Show ‘Encounters in Parallel’ held since 11.27
Guest Talk in 'Meet Your Art', with Mirai Moriyama and Ai Koike, in YouTube
Archive of Solo Exhibition ‘Blind’ in 2021
Archive of Solo Exhibition ‘Vacances’ in 2020
Translation of selected chapters from Mark Fisher's The Weird and the Eerie,
Critique 'Spatiotemporal Horror: Weird Algorithm and Eerie Time-Difference' in Waseda-bungaku 2021 Autumn Issue published on 2021.10.11
Archive of Talk ‘What exists beyond SF / Horror?’ held by toi books, on 2021.10.31 online, with Binta Ohtaki, Teruyuki Hashimoto, Kyosuke Higuchi, Hiroki Yamamoto
Archive of Solo Exhibition ‘margin reception’ in 2021
Archive of Talk ‘What 'To Make Someone Participate in a Narrative' Means?: Escape Room, Installation, participatory Theater, Ritual’ held by Sengenbango, on 2021.8.14 at Akihabara Wado, with Kazunari Yonemitsu and Daisuke Kishii
Guest in Critical Podcast ‘Parfet’, an extra issue of Cross Review by PLAYSANDWORKS, on 2021.8.3, with Nozomi Nagata and Keita Saito
Essay 'Challenge Your Readers: Artist as Installation and Spectator of Statement' in ART RESEARCH ONLINE JOURNAL 2021.7, published on 2020.7.18
Archive of Talk ‘What Would Visitors to Regional Art Festival See?’ held by ART RESEARCH ONLINE, on 2020.7.10 online, with Mami Aota and Chieko Nakagawa
Archive of Talk ‘Character as Effect’ held by Tama Art Univ. Informarion Design Dept. Media Art Course 2019 Graduation Exhibition and 2021 Welcome Exhibition, on 2020.5.7 YouTubeLive, with Dai Sato and Jun Mitsuhashi, curated by Rioha Nishimura
Book Review for Rosalind Krauss, The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths, Japanese Translation by Atsushi Tangiawa and Nobuyuki Konishi, Getsuyosha, 'Farewell, all of avantg...' in BijutsuTecho 2021.6 published on 2021.5.7
Thesis 'Spacing of Heterogeneous Spaces of Installation: Proceduralizability and Literalness' in LOOP vol.11 published in 2021.4
Critique 'Theatricality in M-1 Grand Prix 2021' in Higeki Kigeki 2021.5 published by Hayakawa Publishing in 2021.4
Manzai Show 'Extravacances', at Kitasenju BUoY, on 2021.1.24
Critical Review 'Is curation is translation or ‘tranquilisation'?' for Exhibition 'Translations' at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, in BT Web, 2020.1.15
Lecture 'Installation and Architecture: About re-spacing of space' in ManyConference, online on 2021.1.16 17:00-19:00
Lecture 'Re-Spacing of Space: How Installation Artworks are Created' in ART RESEARCH ONLINE, online on 2020.12.27 15:00-16:00, and the archive video available now
Critique 'Dancehall: (re)spacing of space' in ART RESEARCH ONLINE JOURNAL 2020.12, published on 2020.12.13
OPEN SITE 5 Juried Solo Exhibition 'Vacances', at Tokyo Arts and Space(TOKAS) Hongo, 2020.11.21-12.20
Interview by Contemporary Art Foundation(CAF) released on 2020.12.7
'Fiction of Quiz', held on 2020.12.12, 4th symposium of Fiction Research Project ‘Sekkasho
Critique 'On ’Natural’ness of Kissing, Suicide, or Distancing Alice: Essay on Naturalism of Play-Through of Videogame / On ‘Detroit: Become Human’' in Binder Vol.7 Issue: Nature, published by Cucurus in 2020.11
Talk Guest in 'Why YU Says Such a THING!? 3/Extra: In a Time to be Ghost Witnesses', video program for exhibition In a Time to be Great Thinkers released on 2020.10.28 online with Yuu Yamamoto
Archive of Group Exhibition 'In a Time to be Great Thinkers' with Ontayama and NAZE at TALION GALLERY from 10.10 to 11.8
Critique ''Non. Je suis Godot…' or 'Oui. Étrange, donc je le suis.': Laughter on ontology of Minoru Betsuyaku and Ken Shimura' in Eureka 2020.9 Extra Issue: Minoru Betsuyaku, published by Seido-Sha in 2020.8
Critical Gamebook or Playful Critique 'To Play / Through / Wall: with Videogame and Installation' in BT 2020.8: Game-Art, published by Bijutsu-Shuppan-Sha in 2020.7
Talk Guest in 'Art Game and Game Art Now', talk event for BT 2020.8: Game-Art, 2020.8.5 17:00–19:00 online with Akihiko Taniguchi, Shinji Matsunaga, who both participated the issue
Essay 'Auxiliary and Installation' in Nemuranaiki vol.5, published by Shoshi-Kankanbou in 2020.8
Exhibition 'Getting Lost' with Risako Okuizumi
Talk Guest in 'Why YU Says Such a THING!? 2', talk event for exhibition 9 Posters in TALION GALLERY, 2020.6.7 18:00–19:00 online with Yuu Yamamoto
Lecture 'What they call Statement in Contemporary Art' in REPLAY, lecture series moderated by Daisuke Kishii, 2020.6.3 19:30–22:00
Archive of Solo Exhibition ‘Breaking the Relation’ in 2020.2
Survey Thesis 'Narrative Never Goes Outside: Unnatural Narratology on Videogames' in LOOP vol.10 published by Sayusha in 2020.3.

As far as I know, admittedly, this website, recently updated in 2024.9, introduces an aspiring artist Euske Oiwa, you know, with his works, writings and, ah I see, projects, well, including recent and forthcoming ones: